Does studyPuff ship internationally?
We do ship internationally. If we currently do not ship to your country but you would like to order from the StudyPuff website, make sure to leave us a message via our contact form with the country you reside in and we will try to make it happen!

What is sticker mail?
Sticker mail is a cheaper shipping option for stickers only, since it can be shipped in an envelop. You will not get a track and trace code with this option so pick this one at your own risk. We are not reliable for sticker mail not arriving because we are not able to see where it is as soon as it has been shipped. If you still wish to get a track and trace code, use please the regular shipping method.

How long does it take until StudyPuff ships the order?
We strive to ship everything as soon as possible. Everything will be shipped within7 business days after your order has been placed.

How long does it take for my order to arrive?
The delivery time for your order depends on the country you live in. In the Netherlands orders will arrive between 1-2 business days after shipment has been fulfilled. For the rest of Europe this is between 2-6 business days after shipment has been fulfilled. Outside of Europe it takes between 6-13 business days. Keep in mind that these are estimates, your order could take longer or shorter, depending on customs.

How does StudyPuff give back?
It is important to us that we give something back to the planet. In a way this can be seen in our products and packaging. Another way we try to give back is through donations. At the beginning of each year, we will donate 10% of StudyPuff's profit from previous year to a good cause.